Welcome to the Learning Hub!
The home of excellence in Early Childhood Education Professional Learning Events!
The Learning Hub seeks to impact positively on the quality of teaching and learning in our schools for no other reason other than because it is critical. We seek to make a difference to those who can make a difference!
We create a calendar of fresh events including the annual Early Childhood Education State Conference and a menu of “bitesize” workshops and seminars for the childcare and early childhood sectors with handpicked speakers, contemporary and local content aimed at the classroom practitioner. We also provide a platform for persons seeking to provide quality professional learning opportunities to the sector, be they experienced consultants or aspirant educators seeking to hone their craft as a presenter or facilitator.
A hub for events dedicated to early childhood professional learning.
Our Values
Innovation. Organisation. Quality. Sustainability.
Our dedication
Part proceeds from ALL The Learning Hub events and experiences will be recycled and made available to people who have fallen on hard times and require support, and or reinvested into practitioners and programs that can make a difference in the childcare and early childhood sectors… one child experience at a time if necessary!